By Tony Moore

Happy 2020 fam. For New Years, I traveled back to my home state of Texas and it was way too much fun. Lights All Night 2017 was one of my first festivals where I fell in love with electronic music. So I knew what to expect when I bought my ticket; an indoor festival with two “main stages” in the middle of downtown Dallas. The event also boasted side stages with local talent and a curated stage. The hidden gem of Lights All Night had to be the Dreamhack gaming center, where over 30+ gaming PC’s resided overlooking the main stage.
Top Sets – Virtual Self, Said the Sky, Bassnectar, Louis the Child
Virtual Self – Nothing like some good, dark techno in a warehouse with lasers
Said the Sky – Tears were definitely shed while Trevor called us “San Diego”
(peep Said the Sky retweeting Tony hehe)
Bassnectar – Man opened with Illusion x This is Why I’m Hot acapella and I almost took off my clothes. Closed with It’s About to Get Hectic and boy did it ever.
Louis the Child – My ALL-TIME FAVORITE Louis the Child set. Seen them 9 times and this was by far the most improved – like a VIP 2018 Louis the Child set filled with new edits and mashups
Louis the Child Virtual Self Bassnectar
Overall, I would give this festival an 8/10.
The production, including the lights and lasers have definitely upgraded since the last time I attended. Just the difference in the amount of bass during Bassnectar was enough to show that the festival company had made some big improvements regarding sound. The 2 points of deduction are due to the logistical issues with getting in the first day and leaving the second day. The security planning for entering the 27th ended up with people hopping barricades and cutting the line. It didn’t help that an indoor festival got rain-delayed, but what are ya gonna do? (Also, would it really be a Texas festival if the weather didn’t interrupt the music) The exit route planned by the festival forced thousands of people to leave through such small barricaded walkways that it took over 30 minutes just to leave Dallas Market Hall.
At roughly $200 for GA, Lights All Night is a great option for a New Years event with lasers and lights for anyone in the South. Dallas is a fun city with plenty of Airbnb’s and hotels surrounding the venue so once you get there, you are only a $10 or less Lyft away.
All in all, I had a fantastic time bobbin’ my head with friends and strangers. Huge S/O to Ade for taking me along for the ride and see y’all hopefully this year 🙂
Follow Tony on Twitter – @tonyatfilth Instagram – @tony-moore11
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