As you’re getting ready to head out to your next festival, watch my tutorial on how to pack for a festival!I filmed this as I was getting ready for Beyond Wonderland!
Here are some of the tips I talk about!
Try on your festival outfits one more time before packing it to make sure it fits and you can comfortably move in it.
Write out how many outfits you need from what you’re wearing at the festival, to traveling, to pjs. Always account for extra socks, underwear, etc.
Do laundry beforehand so everything’s nice and clean 🙂
Roll Your Clothes Method!: When packing your clothes, roll them until they’re tiny cylinders. This definitely helps you get more room as your packing.
I wore my bulkiest shoes on the plane since I couldn’t fit it in my bag.
Opt for smaller toiletries that you can get at Target or grocery store to save more space.
I got pretty lucky I could have friends bring me a towel, pillow and blanket which I would’ve had to account for if I didn’t have them. Let me know if I’m missing anything or if you have a trick that you find helpful when packing for a festival!
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