Happy Coachella!! If you’ve found your way to this blog post, that means you’re probably heading out to Coachella this weekend or next. For two weekends of April, Coachella floods our Instagram feeds making everyone that isn’t there instantly jealous. While there’s more to this festival than capturing the perfect picture, it’s on your mind and everyone else’s minds. You have to show everyone that you’re at Coachella which is a once in a lifetime experience for some people.
If you haven’t read my blog post on How to Get the Perfect Instagram at Music Festivals, be sure to check it out. I go over the BL-Triple P-E that will help you get the perfect Instagram:
- Background
- Lighting
- Picture Taker
- Pose
- Props
- Editing
This same formula can apply to any festival you attend, even any picture you take outside of the festival. Here’s how it can apply to Coachella:
Coachella has SO many options when it comes to what’s in the background of the photo. With tons of art installations, the world is your oyster in getting the perfect backdrop. I always tried to match my outfit to a specific art installation and that would be my theme for that picture. Don’t forget to get a pic in front of the infamous Coachella Ferris Wheel.
Coachella basically derived the term golden hour. The best pictures to get at Coachella is as the sun is setting and starts to go down behind the mountain.
If you want to take your pics earlier in the day you can for sure make it work to where you don’t get unwanted shadows in your pictures.
Play with different poses with the different backdrops. Have fun with it!
Finally, grab a watermelon, your
Hope you have an amazing time at Coachella and can’t wait to enviously insta-stalk your pics!
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