We’re only two weeks into 2019 and I am OVERWHELMED with all the lineups being dropped for 2019 festival season. Festivals are getting ready and are trying to draw in the crowds with these massive lineups. I’ve gotten some questions from followers as to how I go about choosing what festivals to attend. Thought I would share what I think about when choosing in hopes that it will help you.
The Lineup
The lineup is one of the first things I look at. I’m going for the music so it’s important (unless it’s a festival I NEED to experience where the music won’t matter). I look at the ratio of artists I have seen vs. haven’t seen. I’m more intrigued by a lineup with more artists that I haven’t seen yet. If my all time favorite artists are on there, I am a little more inclined on that front. Since I have been going to festivals for over three years now, I have seen a lot of artists so I’ve been trying to see artists I haven’t seen yet.
Overall Experience
For festivals like Electric Forest and Holy Ship!, I chose to go to these festivals because the overall experience is important to me. I want to know what else I’ll be paying for aside from the lineup. Forest has seminars and Ship has activities and such that make the festival much more worth it in my opinion. I like going to festivals that offer way more to the experience along with the music.
Overall Cost
Of course this is a huge factor because festivals do cost a lot. So I factor in things like the ticket, where I’ll stay, how much it’ll cost to get there (driving or flying), and any other costs associated like if it’s a camping festival I’ll need to factor in camping gear and pass. If it can fit in my budget, then I’ll attend. I have also gotten good at figuring out pricing and how I can save in certain areas like getting media passes or getting an airbnb.
I also have a Festival Season page where you can see all the upcoming festivals. I will be updating it this weekend 🙂 I hope this helped! I am still figuring out which festivals I want to attend in 2019, but I hope this helped you in figuring it out. Let me know what festivals you’ll be hitting this year!
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