Electric Forest is coming sooner than you think and if you’re camping in General Admission, I wanted to put together some helpful tips and expectations to help you out. This blog post will cover what to expect in GA at Electric Forest if you have purchased a GA ticket to the festival.
If you need any resources on how to prepare to camp or what to bring to camp, I have some other blog posts for you that you can check out below:
- Ultimate Guide to Camping at a Music Festival
- Planning for Your Group to Camp at Electric Forest
- How to Travel to Electric Forest from Out of State
The Map
GA camping is all of the light green areas. It includes those that are camping in GA as well as those in the RV GA areas. Group Camping has a larger section this year in GA camping but is still technically apart of it.

Arrival/Exit Process into GA Camping
When you’re going into GA camping and exiting, here’s what to expect.
Arrival Process
Regardless of what day you arrive, there are two entrances going into the campgrounds: north and south entrance. You can find directions on how to get there here. I did the south entrance in 2018 for Wednesday arrival (arrived around noon) and it took about 30-45 minutes of waiting in line to going through security. 2019 was a different story and took a lot longer. We were going towards the south entrance, but saw on social media how long it was taking so we went to the north entrance (around 4 pm). I think the whole process took maybe around an hour and a half. Make sure you check online for what’s allowed into the campgrounds so you have a smooth and easy process.
You’ll wait in line, then get in line for security. If you have a group with you make sure your cars are in order so that you can all camp together. Then you’ll get placed in your spot. One thing I’ll do is open the app and look at the map. If you have your location services on, you’ll be able to see which camp you’re placed in. I think 2018 we were in Camp Megawatt and in 2019 we were in Camp Distortion.
Once you arrive, you’ll set-up camp and the party will begin.
Exit Process
As for the exit process, you can start leaving around 7 am on that Monday morning. The earlier you get out the less of a wait you’ll have to exit. Peak times begin around 9 am/10am and expect long wait times to exit.
The Campgrounds
As for what to expect in the campgrounds, we’ll talk about some of the key components.
Prepare for the Weather
Depending on what the weather is like in Michigan for forest, one thing I will say that if it’s bright and sunny forecast it will be HOT at the campsite. It’ll be crucial to create some type of shade or a way to cool down since there is no shade in GA. If rain is in the forecast, have some type of plan in place to protect your tent and items. Another important thing is if it’s windy, ensure everything has been staked down so that nothing flies away.
Camp Neighbors
Befriend your neighbors!! Get to know them, share food and drinks with them. You’ll never know the connections you can make and forest fam is the best and ya’ll can share the excitement.
Bathroom Situation
Brace yourself for the portapotties. They will be gross at some points but they do get cleaned!! Nothing like that fresh portapotty cleanliness at the start of the morning. I recommend having a flashlight for night time and toilet paper just in case it’s out. Also, recommend having hand sanitizer or wet wipes ready for after.
Showers are available for $7 per day and you’ll need to bring cash. I’ve found the best times to go at are in the middle of the day. People wake up thinking the first thing they have to do is shower, but I’ll wait an hour or two before I want to go in. This way I’m not showering then sweating while at camp for five or six hours before I even go into the festival. I sweat for the first part of the morning, shower then I’m feeling refreshed before going into the festival. Pack an easy to carry toiletry bag for your items, towel and shower shoes.
The showers are in a trailer and feel like locker room showers. They also have sinks outside of them if you want to brush your teeth or wash your face. I shower about two times throughout the whole weekend and I’ll use baby wipes for the days I don’t shower.
Main Street
Main Street is located in GA camping and has so many awesome amenities for festival-goers. You’ll find a general store for any camping or festival items you may have forgotten. There are also tons of food and vendor options available. There’s also the iconic cereal bar that’s open at all hours and is always playing cartoons. Finally, the Brainery is in Main Street that offers seminars and workshops on various topics from how to festival safely, aromatherapy, etc. You’ll walk through Main Street to get to the festival so definitely check it out and see what there is.
RVs are where it’s at for all the renegades and secret sets after the festival is done for the day. Some of the big players will post their schedules beforehand, otherwise, you have to walk around and see what you can find. I saw a Daft Punk tribute duo that made me think that Daft Punk really made their comeback at Electric Forest lol IYKYK.
Security Into the Festival
There is security between the campgrounds and music festival so make sure you doublecheck what’s allowed into the festival because the list can differ from what’s allowed in the campgrounds. Wait times can vary. Last year day 1 everyone was waiting in line for hours at the peak time when gates opened. The rest of the days wait times weren’t as bad and the owner of Electric Forest mentioned they hope to resolve wait times on the first day this year so we will see what happens.
What Your Day Looks Like Camping in GA
- Wakeup when the sun rises because it makes your tent hot AF
- Make breakfast or grab some from Main Street
- Stay hydrated, don’t die of heat
- Shower or start getting ready
- Have lunch or snack either at campsite or at Main Street
- Pregame get excited
- Head to the festival security line
- Don’t die of heat in the line
- Have a blast at the festival
- Go back to camp if needed
- End of the festival either head straight to RVs or back to camp
I hope this was helpful! Let me know if you have any questions.
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