I haven’t done a product review in a hot minute! I am so excited to introduce to ya’ll Chillbean, the glowing single layer inflatable hammock. Or as I’d like to call it the comfiest blow-up couch in the game. I had seen a lot of people with these couches around festivals and thought they were so convenient to just blow up and relax your feet from all the dancing. I tried one out at Lollapalooza and knew I had to get one for my boyfriend Ryan and I.
Chillbean so kindly accepted my offer to work together so I’m super excited to share my thoughts on this product. We were able to test it out in a lowkey environment and at a festival. They sent us the Chillbean Air in this fun tropical pattern as well as “Beanlights” which essentially illuminates your Chillbean. The Chillbean comes in an easy to carry bag.
Setting It Up & Tearing it Down
Not going to lie the first time blowing it up is a little challenging. My boyfriend and I were going off of how we had seen people blow up theirs and didn’t quite know what we were doing. Low and behold Chillbean has a video on their website that I wish we would’ve referenced.
However, after you get the hang of it, they are relatively easy to fill up. Just make sure you get enough air in it and close the mouth between air scoops. Then roll up the mouth tightly and that’ll give it more fullness so you’re not sinking to the floor when you sit.
Once you’re done using it, you get all the air out and roll it back up and you can fit it into the handy bag that comes with it.
Like I said we used it on a nice day out in Austin to get used to having to fill it up and whatnot. Then we used it a lot at Dirtybird Campout since it was a camping festival we could bring the Chillbean right near the water and hear the music and enjoy the nice day. We also inflated it outside the crowd at a set to give ourselves a break. We haven’t quite figured out how to carry it with our hydration packs, but overall have found it super useful. You do have to roll it up pretty tightly when you’re done with is so that you can fit it back in the bag or your backpack. I think we’ll get this down as we use it more.
Overall, I think Chillbean is a great way to create a place for you to sit. I can imagine it’d get great use at a festival, at the beach, park, literally anywhere. For me, since I have gone to so many festivals and I am getting older this will be great for me to rest my feet and take a break. It does have a little bit of a learning curve when it comes to inflating and deflating, but as you use it more it’ll get easier. I hope this helps! Especially with the holiday season around the corner, this could make for a great gift for someone!
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